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Nom de la substance
Famille moléculaire
Source végétale
- Activité antimicrobienne, antioxydante, insecticide [1]
- Réduit la résistance de souches d'entérobactéries à la nitrofurantoïne [2], [3], augmente l'activité bactéricide de la nitrofurantoïne [4]
Effet thérapeutique
Effets indésirables
- ↑ Božović M, Pirolli A, Ragno R. Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil and Its Main Constituent Piperitenone Oxide: Biological Activities and Chemistry. Molecules. 2015 May 13;20(5):8605-33. doi: 10.3390/molecules20058605. PMID 25985361
- ↑ Shahverdi AR, Rafii F, Tavassoli F, Bagheri M, Attar F, Ghahraman A. Piperitone from Mentha longifolia var. chorodictya Rech F. reduces the nitrofurantoin resistance of strains of enterobacteriaceae. Phytother Res. 2004 Nov;18(11):911-4. PMID 15597306
- ↑ Farid Abdolpour, Ahmad-Reza Shahverdi, Fatemeh Rafii, Mohammad-Reza Fazeli & Mohsen Amini (2007) Effects of Piperitone on the Antimicrobial Activity of Nitrofurantoin and on Nitrofurantoin Metabolism by Enterobacter cloacae. Pharmaceutical Biology, 45:3, 230-234, DOI: 10.1080/13880200701213161
- ↑ Rafii F, Shahverdi AR. Comparison of essential oils from three plants for enhancement of antimicrobial activity of nitrofurantoin against enterobacteria. Chemotherapy. 2007;53(1):21-5. PMID 17192709