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Nom de la substance


Famille moléculaire

Hydrocarbure monoterpénique

Source végétale


  • Antioxydant [1], inhibe l’oxydation des LDL et la peroxydation lipidique [2], réduit la formation de la plaque d'athérome
  • Hypolipidémiant [3]

Effet thérapeutique

Effets indésirables


  1. Li GX, Liu ZQ. Unusual antioxidant behavior of alpha- and gamma-terpinene in protecting methyl linoleate, DNA, and erythrocyte. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 May 13;57(9):3943-8. PMID 19326866
  2. Mario C. Foti, K. U. Ingold. Mechanism of Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation by γ-Terpinene, an Unusual and Potentially Useful Hydrocarbon Antioxidant. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2003, 51 (9), pp 2758–2765 [1]
  3. Takahashi Y, Inaba N, Kuwahara S, Kuki W. Effects of gamma-terpinene on lipid concentrations in serum using Triton WR1339-treated rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2003 Nov;67(11):2448-50. PMID 14646206